Shouldn’t we all be developers?

We need more homes and that’s a fact.
We need volume, light and character.
We need liberated rules.
We need imagination to unlock forgotten plots.

‘Shouldn’t we all be developers’ articulates Roger Zogolovitch’s vision for recognition of the independent and creative developer playing their part to generate supply of new homes in the UK and beyond to meet population demand. Housing as a human right is the premise.

Shouldn’t we all be developers? first edition sold out in 2016. The second edition was published in September 2018.

How to purchase the book: Via RIBA Bookshops or Amazon. An ebook edition is also available on Amazon which can be read on Kindle, smartphone, tablet etc.

Zogolovitch works on ‘the backlands and the badlands that lurk behind the formal facades of the city’. His is ‘the territory of the forgotten’. The book draws on his experience of building on gap sites in London, examining each part of the interconnected development story, within a historical context and offering radical solutions to generate supply. He proposes the growth of branded homes to allay the fears of local communities and to encourage good development.

The book argues for a movement for good development by independent producers: entrepreneurs who can unlock the potential of underdeveloped sites to meet supply without needing to build over greenbelt.

This insider’s journey strips down the machinery of development to reveal the ageing parts in need of repair. Introducing the parties in charge of our housing crisis, we’ll discover how theirs is a model built not around increasing supply but one that seems only to restrict it. In identifying the gap sites scattered all over our cities as ripe for development, this book builds, brick by brick, the case for the independent developer. It is ‘the book the volume housebuilders don’t want you to read’.

The narrative is formed of eight chapters: Planning, Land, Design, Brand, Money, Interiors, Materials, Developer and the State. Each chapter gives Zogolovitch’s point of view, looks at the history and current conditions, makes a proposition and then describes a dream scenario – illustrating how each proposition could be realised.

Title: Shouldn’t we all be developers?
Author: Roger Zogolovitch
Published: 2018
ISBN: 781527229778
Price: £19.99


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